Archive for December, 2011

Dispelling the Myths: USA Imported vs. Canadian Lexus RX350’s

#1) Block Heaters Are Not Standard on USA imported RX350’s While this statement is true, ALL Lexus RX350’s come with the ability to have a factory block heater installed with very little effort and minimal cost.  Most current block heaters do not initiate until temperatures reach a sustained minus 20 degrees Celsius so unless you […]Read More >>

Complimentary Airport Pickup for Out of Town Customers

Envision Auto located in Calgary, Alberta deals with customers from out of town on a regular basis.  We sell to Edmonton, Medicine Hat, Fort McMurray on a regular basis, however have dealt with customers from Inuvik, NWT , Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Quebec.  For ALL out of town customers we offer complimentary airport pickup.  […]Read More >>

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